Dedicated to the research, development and manufacture of a range of natural antivirals, preservatives, sterilants and antimicrobials, for use in cosmetics and natural medicines.

A UK Based Biotech Group

BioActive Pharma Ltd is the UK based holding company of a group of companies dedicated to the research, development and manufacture of a range of cosmetics and pharmaceutical products (soon to include a clinical phase project). Our products are designed to be used in the treatment of superficial skin sores, viral infections and innovative post-operative surgical dressings to protect wounds, to help in the healing process of pressure sores and leg ulcers and in wounds to help fight against harmful bacteria including methicillin resistant staphylococcus aureus (MRSA).

Our technology is a purification process which creates highly refined Purified Propolis Extracts, derived from crude propolis. Propolis is an antimicrobial substance produced by bees to protect their colonies from disease and harmful bacteria. Our crude propolis is sourced only from trusted Manitoban bee farmers who collect the material from bee hives, entirely sustainably, at the end of each honey season.

We manufacture several grades of refined propolis extract and these are currently used in several forms for a variety of applications worldwide. These vary from antimicrobial preservatives for use in cosmetics and skin protectants to those for use as active ingredients in natural health products and for use in medical device applications as a preservative and as an alternative to parabens. Our products have been extensively researched and analysed to ensure effectiveness against pathogens, with positive studies concluded on the technology’s hypoallergenic properties, potent virucidal effects and having demonstrated excellent toxicology results in humans with complete consistency in production standards.

Our group companies manufacture and distribute a range of skin and lip protectants, including a number of cold sore treatments which are marketed under several brand names globally. Clinical evaluations involving our principal technology demonstrated markedly improved outcomes compared with both placebo and against other treatments in trials relating to the herpes simplex virus, HSV-1 and HSV-2 and the group is currently in the process of building on this earlier research by developing new products which it is planned will be comprehensively tested in a series of trials over the coming months and years.

A UK Based Biotech Group

BioActive Pharma Ltd is the UK based holding company of a group of companies dedicated to the research, development and manufacture of a range of cosmetics and pharmaceutical products (soon to include a clinical phase project). Our products are designed to be used in the treatment of superficial skin sores, viral infections and innovative post-operative surgical dressings to protect wounds, to help in the healing process of pressure sores and leg ulcers and in wounds to help fight against harmful bacteria including methicillin resistant staphylococcus aureus (MRSA).

Our technology is a purification process which creates highly refined Purified Propolis Extracts, derived from crude propolis. Propolis is an antimicrobial substance produced by bees to protect their colonies from disease and harmful bacteria. Our crude propolis is sourced only from trusted Manitoban bee farmers who collect the material from bee hives, entirely sustainably, at the end of each honey season.

We manufacture several grades of refined propolis extract and these are currently used in several forms for a variety of applications

worldwide. These vary from antimicrobial preservatives for use in cosmetics and skin protectants to those for use as active ingredients in natural health products and for use in medical device applications as a preservative and as an alternative to parabens. Our products have been extensively researched and analysed to ensure effectiveness against pathogens, with positive studies concluded on the technology’s hypoallergenic properties, potent virucidal effects and having demonstrated excellent toxicology results in humans with complete consistency in production standards.

Our group companies manufacture and distribute a range of skin and lip protectants, including a number of cold sore treatments which are marketed under several brand names globally. Clinical evaluations involving our principal technology demonstrated markedly improved outcomes compared with both placebo and against other treatments in trials relating to the herpes simplex virus, HSV-1 and HSV-2 and the group is currently in the process of building on this earlier research by developing new products which it is planned will be comprehensively tested in a series of trials over the coming months and years.

Our Technology – Purified Extract of Propolis

Our propolis is derived from a specific region of Canada which is rich in a particular species of poplar tree, unique to the area and collected by bee farmers from the hives of farmed bees before being refined in our specialist refinery facility in Winnipeg, Manitoba.

Propolis, even in its crude form, has a wide range of biological and pharmacological activities. Its chemical composition is qualitatively and quantitatively variable, depending on geographical origin and regional flora with the plant sources being the main determinant of its chemical composition. As a consequence of its biological properties due to the unique regional flora of Manitoba, propolis has the potential to meet unmet needs in cosmetics, medicines and medical device uses which have thus far not been investigated to their full potential.

The extraction process used today was first developed and perfected by Dr Zenon Sosnowski, who spent several decades of his life researching the potential human benefits of propolis and whose work led to the two clinical trials which validated the use of refined propolis across cosmetics, pharmaceutical applications and in natural health products.

Generic refined propolis, usually produced through an aqueous purification process, from various regions, including China and South America, is often used in cosmetic products as a preservative and is

widely used as an ingredient in throat sprays, mouth washes, shampoos, soaps and body cleansers, mainly for its soothing and moisturising properties.

Our highest grade of refined propolis, produced through an ethanolic based purification process (cold filtered), possesses particularly potent antimicrobial properties.

This is due to its chemical composition and range of phenolic constituents along with the presence of a unique sub-set of flavonoids known as dihydrochalcones, which are considered to be characteristic only in the bud exudates of the regionally found poplar tree varieties of Manitoba, giving our refined propolis extracts their unique pharmacological properties and which make it ideal for use as a preservative or sterilant and an ideal substitute to parabens in natural treatments and therapeutics.

We currently produce three grades of propolis extract to cGMP standards for different applications including: Propolis ACF®, Propolis Complex B® and Propolis Complex C®.

We will soon begin formulation and clinical evaluation for new products which we believe will break new ground in the field of natural health.

Our Brands, the Need State and Markets

Bioactive Pharma owns and manages two principal brands in the consumer therapeutics and nutraceuticals spaces.


The Herstat® brand is positioned exclusively within the herpes space and represents a range of products designed to treat and/or mitigate the symptoms and effects of the herpes simplex virus, HSV-1 and HSV-2 in patients.

Herpes is a major global health problem. Effective treatments offering meaningfully improved outcomes for patients yield significant revenues.

The World Health Organisation estimates that 3.7 billion people under the age of 50 (67%) are infected with HSV-1 globally. An estimated 491 million people aged 15–49 (13%) worldwide is infected with herpes simplex HSV-2.

Approximately 60% of those infected with HSV will remain asymptomatic throughout their lifetime and in these subjects the virus lies virtually dormant. However, for those who do manifest symptoms, it can cause painful blisters, swelling and ulcers at the site of infection. Stigmatisation and embarrassment are further discernible side-effects.

Symptoms generally recur over many years in sufferers and medication does not cure or eradicate the underlying virus completely. During the period between episodes the virus retreats into the central nervous system within the cluster of nerves called the ganglia at top and bottom of the spine. Outbreaks occur when the body’s immune system is compromised and can be triggered by anything from sunburn to long-haul travel and menstruation in women. In immunocompromised patients, herpes usually presents more severe symptoms and more frequent recurrences.

Herstat® products fall under various regulatory frameworks in the territories within which they are sold, with the products aimed at cold sore (HSV-1) and genital herpes (HSV-2) sufferers. All Herstat® products contain one of our unique purified propolis extracts. Herstat® is sold in six country territories worldwide and we currently plan to increase this to 12 territories in the near term, and this falls in line with our strategic objective to establish Herstat® as the leading global brand in the herpes space.

Dr Sosnowski™

Dr Zenon Sosnowski MSc, PhD was a Polish Associate Professor who spent over 35 years of his life researching bee propolis and its potential for use in human health applications. He led two noteworthy clinical trials involving propolis extracts, derived from crude Manitoban bee propolis. Dr Sosnowski, a haematologist, who lectured medicine at St Boniface University Hospital in Manitoba, was responsible for formulating a range of therapeutic medications designed to treat a variety of conditions. He carried out years of important, early research into the effects of formulations containing purified Manitoban bee propolis in MRSA infected wounds. But perhaps most crucially he perfected complex techniques using an ethanolic, cold filtration and extraction process to maximise and enhance the net concentration of

phenolic content (particularly flavonoids, flavones, stilbenes, lignans and proanthocyanins) in purified propolis, extracted from crude material harvested from beehives.

A range of therapeutic propolis based products now bears Dr Sosnowski’s name and we aim to expand this product line and accumulate market share within various territories across the globe. This will include the advancement of the pioneering research work carried out by Dr Sosnowski in developing innovative post-operative surgical wound dressings to combat MRSA infections and assist healing, and to develop new treatments for pressure sores and diabetic leg ulcers.

Group Companies

ACF Biotech Canada Inc is our Canadian based subsidiary, which owns and operates our purpose-built propolis refinery in Winnipeg, Manitoba and carries out the complex extraction process to produce the extracts from crude Manitoban bee propolis under cGMP standards.
The facility also houses the production of extract in respect of our research program into the development of treatments to speed the healing time for pressure sores, bed ulcers, diabetic leg ulcers and the development of post-operative antimicrobial protective bandaging designed to prevent potentially life-threatening infections caused by Antibiotic Resistant strains of bacteria, often referred to as super bugs or MRSA (methicillin resistant staphylococcus aureus).

Lisoma International Ltd is a UK based global distribution management business, which controls and administers the country distribution agreements in respect of the products containing our technology and ingredients.
See our full list of global distribution partners.

DTC Healthcare Ltd is a UK based cosmetics and pharmaceutical distribution business which distributes Herstat® direct to consumer in the UK.

Herstat (USA) Inc is a US based cosmetics and pharmaceutical manufacturing and distribution business which manages the marketing and distribution of all Dr. Sosnowski™ and Herstat® products in the wholesale and retail channels as well as direct to consumer in the USA.

Meet the team

Kevin Aspinall Nessling


Kevin is the founder and group CEO of Bioactive Pharma. Kevin’s background is in sales and marketing having held leadership positions in a number of heavily regulated industries including legal and financial services sectors.

James Booker

Vice President Sales, North America

James heads-up relationship management with pharmacy and retail grocery chains across the USA. James has a comprehensive background in sales and business development and has a proven track record in channel development.

Teresa El-Giadaa

Refinery Manager

Teresa is our propolis refinery manager and working to cGMP standards has overall responsibility for production of our unique purified propolis extracts.

Genowefa Sosnowski

Technical Consultant

Gene has worked in the propolis refining business for the last forty years and is probably the world’s leading expert in propolis extraction. Along with her late husband, Dr Zenon Sosnowski, Gene pioneered development of the purification process which we still use today. With her decades of experience, Gene provides ongoing consultancy to the refinery business.

Monica Kowalik

Logistics and Packaging

Based at our Propolis Refinery in Winnipeg, Monica is responsible for logistics and is assistant to our refinery manager.

Maria Baruch

Technical Consultant

Maria has worked with propolis for nearly three decades and is an expert in the initial phases of propolis purification. Maria works part-time in our propolis refinery, supporting the refinery manager in the cleaning and extraction of our unique purified propolis extracts.

Science & Nature working in harmony

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    Call us:

    +(1) 307 201 5478

    Registered Office:

    BioActive Pharma Ltd
    Freedom Works
    Metro House
    West Sussex
    PO19 1BE
